Pastor Dave started teaching through Romans on Wednesdays and during Sunday School. Join us for Sunday School and for Wednesday worship. He has also been preaching through Job. You won't want to miss these sermons.
Lee has been sharing the Things Unseen podcast with Sinclair Ferguson. This is a great resource, and only takes about 5-7 minutes each day.
Spurgeon’s Catechism Questions for September
Week of 9/1/24
What are God’s works of providence?
God’s works of providence are His most holy, wise, and powerful upholding and ruling over all His creatures, and all their actions.
Week of 9/8/24
What special command did God give man when He created him and put him in the garden of Eden?
When God created man, He entered into a covenant of life with him, on the condition that he would obey perfectly; He banned him from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, on pain of death.
Week of 9/15/24
Did our first parents continue to live in the condition in which they were created?
Our first parents were each left to the freedom of their own will, but fell from their position by sinning against God, by eating the forbidden fruit.
Week of 9/22/24
What is sin?
Sin is any lack of conforming to, or breaking of, the law of God.
Week of 9/29/24
Did all humanity fall in Adam’s first sin?
The covenant made with Adam included not only himself but all his descendants. All Adam’s offspring sinned in him and fell with him in his first sin.
9/21/24: Deeply Rooted Equip will be at Bethany Baptist Church in Jonesborough, TN. Join us at 4pm on September 21 as Sam Pierce of Justified Reformed Baptist Church will bring a message entitled “The Enduring Blessings of God.” This is for all ages.
11/8-9/24: Deeply Rooted Conference will address the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit at our third annual conference. Join Pastor Dave and many other speakers. Register now at
Ambassador Evangelism at Randall’s Restaurant in Church Hill: We would love for you to join us. Even if you haven’t done the reading, come for fellowship. All are invited. Dates and times are tentative. See Justin or follow Ambassador Evangelism on social media for updates.
9/14/24 @ 8am: The Glory of Christ by John Owen, Chapter 17
10/5/24 @ 8am: The Pearl of Christian Comfort by Petrus Dathenus, part 1
10/26/24 @ 8am: The Pearl of Christian Comfort by Petrus Dathenus, part 2
Standard Schedule for Service
Sunday School 10am
Lord’s Day Worship 11am
Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month
Sunday Evening Worship 6pm (except the last Sunday of each month when we have fellowship meal directly after morning worship)
Wednesday 6pm
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You I wait all the day. ~Psalm 25:5 NASB
